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Figure 6 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Figure 6

From: Developmental stage of oligodendrocytes determines their response to activated microglia in vitro

Figure 6

Microglia and LPS-activated microglia both increase oligodendrocyte survival. Oligodendrocytes were cultured in combination with microglia (A). Dead oligodendrocytes were visible by cellular debris left behind after fixation and staining (B) and therefore oligodendrocyte cell death was quantified as percent cell death based on cell counts. Both microglia and microglia activated by LPS significantly reduced the percentage of dead oligodendrocytes (C, * = p < 0.05, factorial ANOVA for main effect of microglia, error bars = SEM). The protective effect of microglia was unchanged by the presence of LPS (p < 0.05 factorial ANOVA).

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