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Figure 7 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Figure 7

From: Hematopoietic cell activation in the subventricular zone after Theiler's virus infection

Figure 7

TMEV colabels with Dcx+ and CD45+ cells in the SVZ and periventricular regions. A) Dorsal SVZ labelled with anti-BeAn immunohistochemistry in preclinical sections. Note viral immunolabelling (arrows) in SVZ (outlined based on DAPI staining) and in surrounding parenchyma (arrowheads). Some viral particles were seen in Dcx+ cells. B) Dcx immunolabelling in same section. C) Merge of BeAn and Dcx immunolabelling. D) 3-dimensional view of BeAn immunolabeling. Arrow shows BeAn immunopositive profile closely associated with a Dcx+ cell.

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