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Figure 4 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Figure 4

From: A new Purkinje cell antibody (anti-Ca) associated with subacute cerebellar ataxia: immunological characterization

Figure 4

The patient's antibody bound selectively to Purkinje cells but not to astrocytes such as the Bergman glial cells (BGC) as demonstrated by double staining with an antibody to anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The anti-GFAP antibody, staining astrocytes in the granular layer (GL) as well as the processes of the BGCs in the molecular layer (ML) and along the pia mater (P), is depicted in red (AF568); and the patient's antibody is labeled in green (AF488); yellow color would indicate overlay of the two antibodies, but is absent. Nuclei are shown in blue.

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