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Fig. 3 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 3

From: Interleukin-22 is increased in multiple sclerosis patients and targets astrocytes

Fig. 3

Specific expression of IL-22 and its receptor, IL-22R1, by astrocytes in the brains of control patients without MS and suffering from other neurological diseases. Laser scanning confocal microscopy observations were performed in brain tissue autopsies (Basel cohort). Brain autopsy labeled for IL-22 (first panel, green), IL-22R1 (second panel, red), and Caveolin-1 or GFAP (third panel, blue). Merged images are depicted as composite images in the lower panel (colocalization of IL-22R1 and GFAP appears in yellow and triple colocalization of IL-22, IL-22R1, and GFAP in white). Inserts are a ×10 zoom of the selected area (a, b, lowest panels). Images a and b were taken on autopsied brain tissue from control patient B-C6 and c and d from control patient B-C1 (Table 2). Arrows in a point at astrocytes, and stars in b at blood vessels. Bars, 50 μm. GM: gray matter, WM: white matter. Representative pictures obtained from the observations of seven control autopsy samples

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