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Fig. 5 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 5

From: Role of microglial amylin receptors in mediating beta amyloid (Aβ)-induced inflammation

Fig. 5

Blocking the amylin receptor reduces amyloid plaque formation and inflammatory markers in transgenic AD mice. a Transgenic AD mice (5xFAD), amyloid plaques in brains of treated with cyclized AC253 (cAC) or normal saline (NS) mice reveals significant reduction of the amyloid plaque (green, stained with thioflavine S). The activated microglia (red, stained with CD68 antibody) are also reduced. The total amyloid plaque number and plaque size are significantly reduced (b). c Markers of brain microglial activation (Iba-1, CD68) and inflammation (caspase-1 and TNFα) in the two groups of 5xFAD mice (NS, cAC253) were detected by Western blot and quantified (d). e ELISA analysis of brains from the same animals shows that IL-1β and TNFα are significantly reduced with cAC253 treatment. *p < 0.05. Scale bar in a = 200 μm

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