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Table 3 Summary of the proposed effects of distinct cytokines on the severity of neonatal asphyxia

From: Distinct cytokine patterns may regulate the severity of neonatal asphyxia—an observational study




Contribution to better outcome

IL-1β: rapid decrease, higher initial prevalence, and extravasation in severe insult

G-CSF: rapid decrease in moderate insult, higher plasma levels in severe insult

TGF-β: increased production and extravasation in moderate insult

IDO: early compensation up to 1 week

Contribution to worse outcome

TNF-α: elevated intracellular levels up to 1 month

IL-17: high prevalence in severe insult up to 1 month

IL-6: higher plasma levels in severe insult at 1 week, decrease in moderate insult by 1 month

Treg: unremarkable difference at 24 h, not upregulated