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Fig. 2 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 2

From: γδT cells but not αβT cells contribute to sepsis-induced white matter injury and motor abnormalities in mice

Fig. 2

Disruption of white matter development in mice at PND 12 induced by two different doses of LPS at PND 2. a White matter volume assessed as a volume of MBP-positive staining. b The total brain volume. c The length of MBP-positive fibers between the corpus callosum and the end of the fibers in the cortex. d, e The MBP-positive areas (d) and density (e) in the cortex, presented as the percentage of saline-treated controls. fk The representative photos show MBP-positive staining in saline-treated (f, i), 5 mg/kg LPS-treated (g, j), and 10 mg/kg LPS-treated (h, k) mice. ik High-magnification pictures of fh, respectively. Saline = 9 mice, LPS (5 mg/kg) = 9 mice, LPS (10 mg/kg) = 8 mice. Data are presented as means ± SD. LPS vs. saline; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001, by one-way ANOVA

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