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Fig. 8 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 8

From: Targeting prokineticin system counteracts hypersensitivity, neuroinflammation, and tissue damage in a mouse model of bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy

Fig. 8

Morphological evaluation of DRG. As shown in a no morphological alterations are evident in both nerve cell bodies (N) and satellite glial cell (sc) sheaths of CTR mice. nu, nerve cell body nucleus. After 14 days of bortezomib, neurons (N) and satellite glial cells (sc) exhibit swollen mitochondria intermingled with some mitochondria of normal morphological features. nu, nerve cell body nucleus (b). At the end of BTZ treatment (day 28), severe morphological abnormalities like swollen mitochondria and enlarged endoplasmic reticulum cisternae scattered within the cytoplasm of both nerve cell bodies (N) and satellite glial cells (sc) can be seen (c). Some neurons show a rather dark nucleus (nu). Arrow points to a satellite glial cell (sc) sheath partially detached from the nerve cell body (N). In bortezomib + PC1 group (d), neurons (N) and satellite glial cells (sc) appear quite preserved, although some clear vacuoles scattered in the cytoplasm are still present. Bar = 5 μm (also applies to ac)

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