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Table 1 EAE clinical severity scores

From: Monitoring retinal changes with optical coherence tomography predicts neuronal loss in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis


No signs of disease.


Mild tail paresis: tip of the tail is weak and/or mouse does not spin tail.


Obvious tail paresis or plegia.


When flipped on its back, the mouse does not turn instantly in > 50% of the cases (this score can only be assigned when signs of tail weakness as described in 0.5 and 1 are present at the same time).


Mild signs of hind limb paresis, like abnormal or slow gait, abnormal posture of the posterior part of the body.


Obvious signs of hind limb paresis, like abnormal, slow, and weak movements of one or both hind limbs.


Signs of hind limb plegia: drags one hind limb behind (if the limb is moved a little but it does not help the mouse to move, this will count as a 3).


Signs of hind limb plegia: drags both hind limbs behind (if the limbs are moved a little but it does not help the mouse to move, this will count as a 3.5).


Mild signs of quadriparesis (weakness of all 4 limbs), as described in 2–3.5 and signs of weakness of one or both front limbs, like reduced speed when pulling itself forward, inability to push its chest up from ground, or reduced ability (shorter duration) to hold itself up against gravity on the edge of the cage.


Quadriplegia: cannot or barely pull itself forward or hold itself on the edge of the cage (in this stage the mouse has to be monitored closely and has to be sacrificed before 24 h if the condition does not improve).


Mouse found dead.