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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of 1009 episodes of community-acquired bacterial meningitisa

From: Complement factor H contributes to mortality in humans and mice with bacterial meningitis

Clinical characteristics

n/N (%)

Age (years)

60 (45–69)


509 (49%)

Predisposing conditions

580/1009 (57%)

 Otitis or sinusitis

329/1007 (24%)


90/975 (9%)

 Immunocompromised state b)

258/1009 (26%)

Symptoms and signs at admission

 Symptoms < 24 h

452/973 (46%)


742/891 (83%)

 Neck stiffness

722/956 (76%)

 Temp > 38 °C

757/1002 (76%)

Score on Glasgow coma scale c)

11 (9–14)

 < 8 indicating coma

135/1008 (13%)

CSF values d)

 White blood cell count (/μl)

2497 (561–7561)

 Protein (g/l)

3.82 (2.30–5.99)

 CSF/blood glucose ratio

0.03 (0.00–0.25)

Causative pathogen

 S. pneumoniae

727 (72%)

 N. meningitidis

111 (11%)


171 (17%)

Score on Glasgow outcome scale


182 (18%)

 2—vegetative state

1 (0.1%)

 3—severe disability

48 (5%)

 4—moderate disability

160 (16%)

 5—good recovery

618 (61%)

  1. aData are number/number evaluated (%) or median (interquartile range).
  2. bImmunocompromise was defined by the use of immunosuppressive drugs, a history of splenectomy, or the presence of diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, as well as patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  3. cScore on the Glasgow Coma Scale Score was evaluated in 1008 patients
  4. dCSF white blood cell count was determined in 970 patients, CSF proteins levels in 963 patients and the CSF/blood glucose ratio in 946 patients