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Fig. 6 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 6

From: Innate immune responses after stimulation with Toll-like receptor agonists in ex vivo microglial cultures and an in vivo model using mice with reduced microglia

Fig. 6

Alterations in expression of 84 TLR signaling pathway-associated genes in adult mouse brain with and without PLX5622 treatment after acute TLR agonist or PBS exposure. Mice were either treated with PLX5622 or untreated for 28 days prior to a 6-h exposure to LPS, IMQ, CpG-ODN 1585 (CpG), or PBS as a control. Bulk RNA from brain of adult mice exposed to TLR agonists or PBS was assayed by qRT-PCR using the mouse Toll-like receptor signaling pathway array. Panel A presents a Venn diagram of TLR signaling-associated genes statistically increased in untreated adult mice after TLR agonists exposure relative to mice exposed to PBS alone. Panel B displays a Venn diagram of TLR signaling-associated genes decreased when adult mice that were treated with PLX5622 (reduced microglia) then exposed to TLR agonists relative to untreated mice exposed to the same TLR agonists. Panel C is a Pearson correlation heatmap and average linkage hierarchical cluster analysis of the row Z-scores of the average Delta CT from the array of 84 TLR signaling-associated genes obtained from the analysis of RNA from all adult mice exposed to TLR agonists and PBS alone. Mouse numbers in this analysis (n): PLX5622 treated mice exposed to LPS (n = 4), IMQ (n = 4), CpG-ODN 1585 (n = 3), PBS (n = 3); Untreated mice exposed to LPS (n = 4), IMQ (n = 4), CpG-ODN 1585 (n = 3), PBS (n = 3)

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