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Fig. 5 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 5

From: Tracking macrophages in diabetic neuropathy with two-color nanoemulsions for near-infrared fluorescent imaging and microscopy

Fig. 5

Negative Controls for Immunohistochemistry. To check the specificity of our histological staining procedures, and for the purpose of setting thresholds for analysis, control negative stains were performed on tissues sectioned from the feet of WT mice. To ensure the presence of DiI from PFC-NE, a slide from a WT PFC-NE injected mouse was hydrated 10 × in PBS, fixed for 10 min in 10% NBF, and coverslipped with Prolong Gold mounting medium (A). For CD68 (B) and PGP9.5 (C) control negative slides, the staining procedure was the same as all other stains except for the omission of the primary antibody in question. Scale bar = 100 µm

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