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Table 2 Relative ultrastructural analysis of dark microglia near Aβ plaques and dystrophic neurites compared to typical microglia near vs far Aβ plaques and dystrophic neurites in the ventral hippocampus CA1 stratum lacunosum-moleculare of aged-matched APP-PS1 vs C57BL/6J male mice

From: Ultrastructural characterization of dark microglia during aging in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease pathology and in human post-mortem brain samples






Mean ± SEM


Mean ± SEM


Mean ± SEM


Mean ± SEM

Associations with myelinated axons (%) ~ ~ ~ 

33.33 ± 9.245

37.93 ± 9.170

11.11 ± 6.163

0.000 ± 0.000##!

Extracellular space (%) ~ 

25.93 ± 8.594

51.72 ± 9.443

14.81 ± 6.967

21.43 ± 7.897*

Extracellular digestion (%)

25.93 ± 8.594

17.24 ± 7.139

14.81 ± 6.967

7.143 ± 4.956

Primary lysosomes (%)

0.000 ± 0.000

3.448 ± 3.448

7.407 ± 5.136

7.143 ± 4.956

Secondary lysosomes (%)

3.704 ± 3.704

10.34 ± 5.755

18.59 ± 7.611

21.43 ± 7.897

Tertiary lysosomes (%)

44.44 ± 9.745

20.69 ± 7.655

14.81 ± 6.967

25.00 ± 8.333

All lysosomes (%)

44.44 ± 9.745

34.48 ± 8.983

37.04 ± 9.471

50.00 ± 9.623

Lipid bodies (%)

55.56 ± 9.745

34.48 ± 8.983

29.63 ± 8.955

32.14 ± 8.988

Lipofuscin granules (%)

44.44 ± 9.745

37.93 ± 9.170

29.63 ± 8.955

50.00 ± 9.623

Partially digested endosomes (%)

37.04 ± 9.471

48.28 ± 9.443

55.56 ± 9.745

57.14 ± 9.524

Fully digested endosomes (%)

18.52 ± 7.618

51.72 ± 9.443

33.33 ± 9.245

50.00 ± 9.623

All endosomes (%)

40.74 ± 9.636

72.41 ± 8.447

59.26 ± 9.636

67.86 ± 8.988

Autophagosomes (%)

18.52 ± 7.618

6.897 ± 4.789

14.81 ± 6.967

28.57 ± 8.694

Altered mitochondria (%) ~ ~ 

33.33 ± 9.245

72.41 ± 8.447

70.37 ± 8.955

78.57 ± 7.897*

Elongated mitochondria (%)

25.93 ± 8.594

31.03 ± 8.743

22.22 ± 8.153

32.14 ± 8.988

Dilated ER/Golgi apparatus (%) ~ ~ 

14.81 ± 6.967

37.93 ± 9.170

55.56 ± 9.745

60.71 ± 9.399*

Glycogen granules (%) ~ ~ ~ ~ 

0.000 ± 0.000

3.448 ± 3.448

29.63 ± 8.955

60.71 ± 9.399*

Associations with vasculature (%) ~ ~ 

33.33 ± 9.245

6.897 ± 4.789

3.704 ± 3.704

3.571 ± 3.571*

  1. CTM control typical microglia, FTM typical microglia far from amyloid beta plaque and dystrophic neurite, NTM typical microglia near amyloid beta plaque and dystrophic neurite, NDM dark micorglia near amyloid beta plaque and dystrophic neurite, % percentage, a.u. arbritary unit, ER endoplasmic reticulum
  2. p-values of statistically significant tests are highlighted with various symbols (*,#,&,!,%). Data reported is shown as % of cells positive for at least one of the elements analyzed for each category. Data shown are expressed as means ± SEM. ~ p < 0.05, ~  ~ p < 0.01, ~  ~  ~  ~ p < 0.001 using a Kruskal–Wallis test with a post hoc Dunn’s multiple comparisons test. ~ p-value summary, * NDM vs NTM, # NDM vs FTM, ! NDM vs CTM, & NTM vs CTM, % FTM vs CTM. Statistical tests were performed on n = 9–12 microglia per animal with N = 3 mice/group, for a total of 111 microglial cell bodies analyzed (effect size of 0.4, power of 0.95 determined by G*Power Software V3.1)