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Table 2 Relative ultrastructural analysis of typical astrocytes far from Aß plaques/dystrophic neurites in aged APP-PS1 mice compared to age-matched C57BL/6 mice in the stratum radiatum of the ventral hippocampus CA1

From: Astrocytes display ultrastructural alterations and heterogeneity in the hippocampus of aged APP-PS1 mice and human post-mortem brain samples



Mean ± SEM

Far AD

Mean ± SEM

Primary lysosomes (%)

57.14 ± 9.524

32.36 ± 8.535

Secondary lysosomes (%)

46.43 ± 9.598

51.61 ± 9.124

Tertiary lysosomes (%)

53.57 ± 9.598

77.42 ± 7.634

Lipid bodies (%)

57.14 ± 9.524

83.87 ± 6.715*

Altered mitochondria (%)

85.71 ± 6.734

90.32 ± 5.398

Elongated mitochondria (%)

96.43 ± 3.571

90.32 ± 5.398

Glycogen granules (%)

75.00 ± 8.333

87.10 ± 6.121

Dilated ER (%)

100.0 ± 0.000

96.77 ± 3.226

Nuclear indentation (%)

10.71 ± 5.952

16.13 ± 6.715

  1. % percent, a.u. arbitrary unit, ER endoplasmic reticulum
  2. Data reported are shown as % of cells positive for at least one of the elements analyzed for each category and expressed as means ± SEM. The statistical test performed was a non-parametric Mann–Whitney test with *p < 0.05 . Statistical tests were performed on n = 8–11 astrocytes per animal in N = 3 mice/group, for a total of 59 cell bodies analyzed