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Table 3 Absolute ultrastructural analysis of typical astrocytes near vs far from Aß plaques/dystrophic neurites in aged APP-PS1 mice compared to age-matched C57BL/6 mice in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare of the ventral hippocampus CA1

From: Astrocytes display ultrastructural alterations and heterogeneity in the hippocampus of aged APP-PS1 mice and human post-mortem brain samples





Mean ± SEM


Far AD

Mean ± SEM


Near AD

Mean ± SEM


Primary lysosomes (n)

0.6316 ± 0.1432


0.6061 ± 0.1737


0.5484 ± 0.1379


Secondary lysosomes (n)

1.211 ± 0.2776


0.6364 ± 0.1837


0.8065 ± 0.2384


Tertiary lysosomes (n)

0.4737 ± 0.1398


0.6061 ± 0.1737


0.6774 ± 0.2194


All lysosomes (n)

2.316 ± 0.3580


1.848 ± 0.3202


2.032 ± 0.3724


Lipid bodies (n)

2.184 ± 0.4663


2.909 ± 0.7049


3.839 ± 0.9860


Altered mitochondria (n)

0.8947 ± 0.1545


0.6061 ± 0.1625


1.065 ± 0.2172


Elongated mitochondria (n)

2.579 ± 0.4869


1.939 ± 0.2818


3.129 ± 0.6077


All mitochondria (n) *

13.39 ± 1.095


12.79 ± 1.004


19.55 ± 2.270


Partially digested phagosomes (n)

2.526 ± 0.3533


2.909 ± 0.4091

(0.000 ± 8.000)

4.484 ± 0.7212


Fully digested phagosomes (n)***

2.842 ± 0.3781


3.061 ± 0.4766


6.258 ± 1.017 &&!!


All phagosomes (n)**

5.368 ± 0.6191


5.970 ± 0.7010


10.74 ± 1.573 &&!


Association with myelinated axons (n)

1.763 ± 0.4953


1.576 ± 0.4013


1.258 ± 0.4121


Axon terminals (n)

9.579 ± 0.8614


8.727 ± 1.026


12.26 ± 1.392


Dendritic spines (n) *

1.342 ± 0.2394


1.848 ± 0.2579


2.581 ± 0.4219 &


All synaptic contacts (n)*

14.50 ± 1.245


13.45 ± 1.261


19.35 ± 2.071!


Dilated ER (n)

2.368 ± 0.4967


1.303 ± 0.2769


3.129 ± 0.9120


Non-dilated ER (n)

16.82 ± 1.976


12.30 ± 1.253


18.06 ± 2.313


Dilated Golgi apparatus (n)*

1.000 ± 0.2444


0.2727 ± 0.007873


0.7097 ± 0.1552


Non-dilated Golgi apparatus (n)

2.184 ± 0.4265


1.636 ± 0.2254 #


2.968 ± 0.4436


Autophagosomes (n)

0.2105 ± 0.09359


0.5758 ± 0.1742


0.2903 ± 0.09497


Cell area (µm2)**

42.53 ± 2.774


36.66 ± 2.803

(14.73 ± 73.60)

56.15 ± 4.641!!!


Cytoplasmic area (µm2) **

20.32 ± 2.584


18.02 ± 1.731


29.91 ± 3.601 !!


Nucleus area (µm2)*

22.21 ± 1.290


18.64 ± 1.822


26.23 ± 2.486!


Cell perimeter (µm)**

49.50 ± 2.905


42.30 ± 2.750


62.73 ± 6.112!!


Nucleus perimeter (µm)**

21.35 ± 0.6547


17.72 ± 0.9569


23.07 ± 1.685


AR (a.u.)

2.270 ± 0.1555


2.217 ± 0.1752 #


2.295 ± 0.1771!


Circularity (a.u.)

0.2468 ± 0.01565


0.2940 ± 0.02280




Solidity (a.u.)

0.6741 ± 0.02028


0.7146 ± 0.02278


0.6930 ± 0.02512


  1. n number, a.u. arbitrary unit, ER endoplasmic reticulum, and p-values of statistically significant tests are highlighted with various symbols (!, #, &)
  2. Data reported are shown as number per cell and expressed as means ± SEM in addition to the minimum and maximum value obtained
  3. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 using a Kruskal–Wallis test with a Dunn’s multiple comparisons post hoc test. * p value summary, ! Near vs Far AD, & Far AD vs C57BL/6J, # Far AD vs C57BL/6J. Statistical tests were performed on n = 8–12 astrocytes per animal in N = 3 mice/group, for a total of 102 cell bodies analyzed