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Fig. 7 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 7

From: The BET PROTAC inhibitor dBET6 protects against retinal degeneration and inhibits the cGAS-STING in response to light damage

Fig. 7

dBET6 suppresses LD-induced retinal photoreceptor gene loss and inflammatory response. A Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot shows variation among 12 retinal RNA-Seq samples, distance between sample labels indicates dissimilarity. B, C GO analysis shows significant up- or down-regulated biological processes in control (B) or LD (C) mice. Numbers indicate log10 and − log10 of the p. adjust. Fold change ≥ 1.5. D Heat map shows genes involved in cGAS-STING and photoreceptor outer segment in the indicated treatment groups. Arrows show genes with ≥ 1.5 fold change, p < 0.05. E WB analysis shows indicated protein level in mouse retinas. Right panels show quantification results of WB. ns not significant, *: p < 0.05, n = 3 eyes per group, unpaired t-test

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