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Figure 6 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Figure 6

From: The acute phase response and soman-induced status epilepticus: temporal, regional and cellular changes in rat brain cytokine concentrations

Figure 6

IL-1β is expressed in activated and dystrophic microglia following GD-induced SE. IL-1β (green) is present in the piriform cortex, hippocampus and thalamus 12 hours after GD-induced SE (A, B & C; left), though absent in vehicle controls (A, B & C; right). IL-1β had a similar, though less robust, expression pattern compared to IL-1α. IL-1β did not co-localize with either neurons (D, red) or astrocytes (E, red). Co-localization was observed in microglia (F, red), both activated and dystrophic (white arrow). DAPI (A-F, blue) labels nuclei. For confocal images, the white lines indicate the vertical (Z) sectioning of the image and are shown as Z1 and Z2 on the edges of the main image. (Scale bar: 250 μm (A-C), 50 μm and 10 μm (D-F) for regular and confocal fluorescent microscopy respectively; n = 3 for each cytokine/cell type combination.)

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