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Fig. 7 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 7

From: Fast type I interferon response protects astrocytes from flavivirus infection and virus-induced cytopathic effects

Fig. 7

Upstream activators related to treatment with either supernatant or interferon alpha (IFN). a Scatter blot of ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) showing upstream regulators that are predicted to be activated (>2 activation score) or inhibited (<−2 activation score) according to experimental and literature findings. Y-axis show upstream regulators predicted from supernatant-treated astrocytes, and x-axis show upstream regulators predicted from IFNαB/D-treated astrocytes. Five upstream regulators show an idiosyncratic activation specific for the supernatant-treated cells, aligning the y-axis and with an activations score of >2. b An example of predicted activators by IPA. The circle of markers is upregulated transcripts (red), and the center is a regulator (IFN alpha/beta), predicted to be active based on information (orange arrows) in the IPA knowledge-database. Each black dot in a is representing a similar circle of regulated markers. c Genes that, when overexpressed, lead to a similar expression pattern as either supernatant treatment (y-axis) or IFNαB/D treatment (x-axis) according to the connectivity map database (CMAP). Genes predicted by both treatments are in the top right corner (e.g., IFNG and IFNB1) while effects exclusive to supernatant treatment are high (>90) on the y-axis and low (<90) on the x-axis

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