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Fig. 7 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 7

From: A brain cytokine-independent switch in cortical activity marks the onset of sickness behavior triggered by acute peripheral inflammation

Fig. 7

LPS-triggered neuroinflammation significantly decreases threshold to kainic acid-provoked seizures 72 h after injection, when the behavioral sickness has already resolved. A Slow gradual rewarming (over a period of 20–30 min) of mice during LPS-induced hypothermia (see Fig. 4) to a maximum body temperature of 36.5 °C triggered seizures at levels of body temperature below normothermia. For details see main text. B Kainate-induced seizures as quantified using the Racine scale were more severe 72 h post-LPS vs controls; n is 4 and 11 in saline and LPS groups, respectively. Statistical testing by two-way ANOVA

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