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Fig. 1 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 1

From: Prmt5 deficiency inhibits CD4+ T-cell Klf2/S1pr1 expression and ameliorates EAE disease

Fig. 1

T cell-specific deletion of Prmt5 prevents the induction of EAE autoimmunity. A EAE score in Prmt5cko and WT mice after MOG35–55/CFA immunization (6 mice per group), three independent experiments have been performed. B Histopathology of spinal cord tissue sections from EAE mice by H&E and fast blue staining at the peak of disease (Day 17), representative images were shown from six mice per group. C The absolute mononuclear cell numbers in thymus, spleen, lymph node (LN), and brain tissues from Prmt5cko and WT mice after 17 days of MOG35–55/CFA immunization (6 mice per group), three independent experiments have been performed. D CD4 and CD8 expression in the thymus of Prmt5cko and WT mice after MOG35–55/CFA immunization (Day 17). Gated in total thymus cells (left) and CD3+ T cells (right), three independent experiments have been performed. E The percentage and absolute number of Tregs in the thymus on Day 17 of EAE induction in Prmt5cko and WT mice, three independent experiments have been performed. Student’s t test. Bar graphs display the mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ****P < 0.0001

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