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Fig. 4 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 4

From: Topographic distribution of inflammation factors in a healing aneurysm

Fig. 4

Timely evolution of humoral and cellular inflammation and aneurysm healing after coil treatment. The bar diagrams show median and interquartile range for humoral (panels A and B) and cellular (panels C and D) inflammation. Cross-sectional data from different animals over time suggest that humoral inflammation peaks at Day 7 for most factors—predominantly in the thrombus and neointima, and to a lesser extend in the aneurysm wall (panels A and B). On a cellular level (panels C and D), inflammation cells accumulate in the thrombus, but not in the aneurysm wall. Delayed (after Day 7) increase of VEGF corresponds with increasing endothelialization (CD 31) and thus complete healing over time (p = 0.01). *p < 0.05

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