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Fig. 7 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 7

From: Neural precursor cell delivery induces acute post-ischemic cerebroprotection, but fails to promote long-term stroke recovery in hyperlipidemic mice due to mechanisms that include pro-inflammatory responses associated with brain hemorrhages

Fig. 7

NPC delivery does not influence brain atrophy, glial scar formation, long-term neuronal survival, and microvessel density in the chronic stroke phase in hyperlipidemic mice. A Brain atrophy, B striatal atrophy and C corpus callosum thickness assessed by cresyl violet staining, D glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression, E neuronal nuclei (NeuN)+ neuronal number in the striatum and F density of CD31+ cerebral microvessels in the striatum assessed by immunohistochemistry in MCAO mice on Western diet, which were intravenously treated with vehicle or NPCs immediately after reperfusion, at 3 and 7 days (three times, dosing as before), followed by animal sacrifice after 56 days. For mice treated once only with NPCs see Additional file 1: Fig. S4. Data are medians (lines inside boxes)/means (crosses inside boxes) ± interquartile ranges with minimum/maximum values as whiskers. No significant group differences were noted (n = 7 mice for Western diet/vehicle, n = 10 for Western diet/NPC). Scale bar, 1 mm [in (A–C)] and 50 μm [in (D–F)]

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