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Fig. 3 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 3

From: Identification of female-enriched and disease-associated microglia (FDAMic) contributes to sexual dimorphism in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease

Fig. 3

FDAMic are unique from the rest of the microglial population. A Volcano plot illustrating DEGs in FDAMic versus the rest of the microglial population in the Mathys et al. cohort. B Over‐representation analysis (ORA) of upregulated DEGs in FDAMic shown in A using the Metascape platform. Every node represents an enriched term, and two nodes are linked if their Kappa similarities are higher than 0.3. Similar functional terms are clustered together and are displayed using the same color. Node size is proportional to the number of enriched genes. C Left: Violin plots of the top 8 upregulated DEGs specific to FDAMic. Right: Violin plots of 7 downregulated DEGs specific to FDAMic. D, E Pathway analysis of DEGs in each subtype of microglia (i.e., obtained when each specific subtype was compared to the rest of the microglial populations) referencing D the KEGG pathway database or E the signature of microglial subtypes defined by different research groups as indicated

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