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Table 3 Mechanisms of mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction that affect monocyte functions

From: Mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction of peripheral immune cells in multiple sclerosis

Mechanism of mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction

Monocytes functions


The inhibitor 6877002 decreases ROS production of monocytes through CD40-TRAF6 pathway

Reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL-6) production and trans-endothelial migration ability


2-DG treatment reduces glucose uptake, lactate secretion and ECAR in monocytes, which was correlated with a decrease in the expression of Glut1, HK-2, TPI, PKM, LDHA, and MCT-1

Switch to an anti-inflammatory phenotype and 2-DG treated monocytes attenuate the severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE)


DMF treatment increases ROS production in monocytes, which was correlated with genetic variation and CpG methylation in monocytic NOX3

Increase the numbers of monocytes


IFN-beta treatment alters mitochondrial dysfunction pathway and mitochondrial ETC-related genes

Decrease monocytic ROS production

[121, 122]