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Figure 2 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Figure 2

From: Erythropoietin improves motor and cognitive deficit, axonal pathology, and neuroinflammation in a combined model of diffuse traumatic brain injury and hypoxia, in association with upregulation of the erythropoietin receptor

Figure 2

Erythropoietin (EPO) therapy improves motor deficit and restores spatial memory in rats with post-traumatic axonal injury (TAI) hypoxia (Hx). (A) At 6 d postinjury, TAI rats travelled significantly shorter distances in the testing arena over 15 min with or without EPO treatment. (B) TAI + Hx rats covered slightly shorter distances than TAI rats, and were significantly impaired compared to sham. However, when treated with EPO, TAI + Hx rats had a remarkable recovery, with distances traveled significantly improved to those seen in sham rats. (C) The novel object recognition test (NORT) was used to assess memory retention. (A) In the recall phase of testing, sham and hypoxia treated rats spent a significant proportion of their total exploration time on the novel object however this recognition was lost after TAI. Administration of EPO to TAI rats did not improve the proportion of time spent exploring the novel object. (D) TAI + Hx rats also appeared to have no recollection of the familiar object, spending identical proportions of time exploring both the novel and familiar objects over 15 min. EPO significantly reversed memory dysfunction and returned values back to those observed for sham. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM, n = 4/group. *P <0.05 when analysed by 1-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc test.

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