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Figure 6 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Figure 6

From: Chronic upregulation of activated microglia immunoreactive for galectin-3/Mac-2 and nerve growth factor following diffuse axonal injury

Figure 6

Colocalization of NGF-ir cells with IBA-1-ir microglia and GFAP-ir glia. Panels A-C show representative photomicrographs illustrating co-localization of IBA-1-ir (A) and NGF-ir (B) cells. Image overlay of NGF and IBA-1 labelling is shown in panel C. While the majority of cells are immunoreactive for both IBA-1 and NGF (arrows in A, B, and C), NGF-ir cells that are not IBA-1+ are also present (arrowhead in B and C). Bar = 20 μm in A-C. Orthogonal reconstructions from confocal z-series in x-z (top) and y-z (right) planes confirm that there is colocalization of IBA-1-ir and NGF-ir (D-F, arrows). Similar orthogonal reconstructions show colocalization of GFAP-ir and NGF-ir cells (G-I, arrows).

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