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Fig. 4 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 4

From: In vivo inhibition of miR-155 significantly alters post-stroke inflammatory response

Fig. 4

Fluorescence microscopy analysis of the cellular inflammatory response during the subacute phase of stroke. Coronal sections of the unlesioned (a) and lesioned (b, c) hemispheres of mice subjected to dMCAO, at 48 h after surgery. The sections were immunostained with anti-Iba-1 antibody (red). c Peri-infarct area of stroke; Infarct core (I) is outlined with white dotted line. Note the transformation of microglial phenotype from ramified to hypertrophic bushy and ameboid, as their position is closer to the infarct border. d–f 7 days after dMCAO. Triple immunostaining with the antibodies against GFAP (blue), Iba-1 (green), and NeuN (red). d Infarct core (I), glial scar, and peri-infarct area. The edge of the infarct is marked with white arrowheads. e, f Higher magnification images demonstrate the distribution of microglia (green), astrocytes (blue), and neurons (red) in the peri-infarct area and the immediate vicinity to glial scar. g–i 21 days after dMCAO. g The infarct core (I), glial scar, and peri-infarct area. The edge of the infarct is marked with white arrowheads. Higher magnification images demonstrate the distribution of microglia (green), astrocytes (blue), and neurons (red) in the peri-infarct area (h). Note the narrowing of the glial scar and its concentration mainly in the white matter area (i). Imaging was performed using Zeiss LSM510-META confocal microscope, using single-scan and tile-scan image acquisitions. Bars: a–c 20 μm; d, g 100 μm; e, h 10 μm; f, i 50 μm

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