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Fig. 6 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 6

From: Acute neuroinflammation induces AIS structural plasticity in a NOX2-dependent manner

Fig. 6

Treatment with calpain inhibitor prevents AIS disruption. a–c AISs, immunolabeled for ankG, are reduced 3 days post-LPS injection (b, e). LPS-injected mice that received Calpeptin treatment (calpain inhibitor) beginning 30 min prior to LPS injection and continued once daily for 2 days (d) displayed no loss in ankG+-labeled AISs (c, e). Scale bar = 20 μM. d Schematic of LPS and Calpeptin administration. e The mean ± SEM of AISs/FOV in saline-, LPS + vehicle-, and LPS + Calpeptin-treated mice as a percent of saline controls. f The mean ± SEM of calpain activity levels in relative fluorescent units in saline-, LPS + vehicle-, and LPS + Calpeptin-treated mice as a percent of saline controls. An asterisk indicates significant difference (p < 0.05) from saline, and a ¥ indicates a difference between treatment groups

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