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Table 1 Summary of cohorts and numbers of animals per group

From: Inflammation and blood-brain barrier breach remote from the primary injury following neurotrauma



Day 1

Day 3

Day 7

Day 14

Day 28

Cohort 1

 - Microglia/macrophages in the optic nerve

n = 10*


n = 10

n = 10


n = 10

Cohort 2

 - BBB analyses

n = 9–12 EB


n = 9–12 EB

n = 9–12 EB

n = 9–12 EB

n = 9–12 EB

 - Microglia/macrophages in the optic tract

n = 9

n = 6 no EB

n = 6

n = 5–6

n = 4–5

n = 4

Cohort 3

 - Cytokines

n = 8

n = 8

n = 8

n = 8

  1. Day is the day after partial optic nerve transection injury. * For cohort 1, three groups of uninjured controls collected at days 3, 7, and 28 were compared and found to be not different (p ≤ 0.05); the 3-day controls were used for statistical comparisons. EB denotes intravenous injection of Evans blue for the specified animals. Numbers of animals per group are presented as a range if suitable sections were not available for specific brain regions. BBB analyses encompass assessments of Evans blue, caveolin, and fibrinogen immunoreactivity