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Table 1 Description of statistical analyses

From: Peripheral adaptive immunity of the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

Figure referenced

Statistical analysis

P value

Differences between means or mediansa


Unpaired t test

P > 0.05


1B (except short-term reconstituting stem cells)

Unpaired t test

P > 0.05


1B—short-term reconstituting stem cells

Mann-Whitney test

P = 0.041

Median A = 0.155; Median B = 0.075; Difference (Hodges-Lehmann): − 0.06

3A—serum IgG

Mann-Whitney test

P < 0.0001

Median A = 0.77; Median B = 4.505; Difference (Hodges-Lehmann): 3.33

3A—cortical IgG

Mann-Whitney test

P = 0.0002

Median A = 0.4287; Median B = 0.9211; Difference (Hodges-Lehmann): 0.5244

3A—IgG-secreting B lymphocytes

Unpaired t test

P = 0.059


3A—Plasma cells

Mann-Whitney test

P = 0.041

Median A = 1.09; Median B = 1.505; Difference (Hodges-Lehmann): 0.385

4—IL-1β, IL-3, MCP-1, RANTES

Two-way ANOVA

P > 0.05


4—IL-1α, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70, MIP-1α

Kruskal-Wallis test

Mann-Whitney test (NTg vs. 3xTg-AD)

P > 0.05

P > 0.05



Kruskal-Wallis test


Not applicable

Dunn’s multiple comparison:

P = 0.0256

9 months NTg vs. 3xTg-AD

P = 0.0816.

13 months NTg vs. 3xTg-AD

P = 0.0530


Mann-Whitney test (NTg vs. 3xTg-AD)

P = 0.0018

Median A = 7.5; Median B = 108.7; Difference (Hodges-Lehmann): 84.9


Two-way ANOVA


Not applicable


P = 0.8262


P = 0.7464


P = 0.0115


Kruskal-Wallis test


Not applicable

Dunn’s multiple comparison:

P = 0.0460

9 months NTg vs. 3xTg-AD

P = 0.0246

13 months NTg vs. 3xTg-AD

P = 0.4916


Mann-Whitney test (NTg vs. 3xTg-AD)

P = 0.0085

Median A = 88.4; Median B = 524; Difference (Hodges-Lehmann): 347


Kruskal-Wallis test


Not applicable

Dunn’s multiple comparison:

P = 0.0135

9 months NTg vs. 3xTg-AD

P = 0.0179

13 months NTg vs. 3xTg-AD

P = 0.3412


Mann-Whitney test (NTg vs. 3xTg-AD)

P = 0.0050

Median A = 18.4; Median B = 86.9; Difference (Hodges-Lehmann): 65.2

  1. GM-CSF granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, IL Interleukin, MCP-1 monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, NTg non-transgenic animals, RANTES regulated on activated, normal T cell expressed and secreted; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor α
  2. Parametric tests were used only when normality was verified using D’Agostino & Pearson’s normality test. For cytokine/chemokine analysis (Fig. 4), two-way ANOVA was performed when normality of the residuals was confirmed (IL-1β, IL-3, IL-17, MCP-1, and RANTES). When normality was not confirmed, cytokine/chemokine data were analyzed first using Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison. Then to identify the global effect of genotype, results from the two ages were grouped (N = 15 NTg; N = 16 3xTg-AD) and analyzed using Mann-Whitney test. Significant P-values are italicized
  3. aFor comparison between groups; significant data only.