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Fig. 7 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 7

From: Distinct migratory pattern of naive and effector T cells through the blood–CSF barrier following Echovirus 30 infection

Fig. 7

Transcellular and paracellular migration of naive and effector T cells across HIBCPP cells. Immunofluorescence imaging of Th1 T cells performing migration via the transcellular pathway (a) and via the paracellular pathway (b) across HIBCPP cells in the following conditions: across HIBCPP cells in uninfected and infected with E-30. Images from left to right show T cells stained with cell tracker green (green 488), actin stained with phalloidin (purple 660), nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue 450), and E-30-infected HIBCPP cells are stained with an anti-PAN entero-antibody (red 594). Z-stacks were acquired using Zeiss Apotome and Zen software with X63/1.4 objective lens

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