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Table 3 Patient outcomes for baseline sNfL levels below and above the median

From: Increased serum neurofilament light chain concentration indicates poor outcome in Guillain-Barré syndrome


sNfL ≤ 85.5 pg/ml

sNfL > 85.5 pg/ml

n = 14

n = 13

Hospitalisation days†

13.5 (11–20)

78 (46–92)


2 (1–3)

3 (3–3)


2 (1–3)

5 (4–5)


1 (1–1)

1 (1–3)

HFS*d = 1‡

13 (93%)

7 (54%)

ICU transfer‡: yes

2 (14%)

8 (62%)

ICU transfer‡: no

12 (86%)

5 (38%)

  1. Descriptive analysis of different outcome parameters below and above the median serum neurofilament light chain (sNfL) concentration upon admission
  2. HFS*a Hughes Functional Score on admission, HFS*n Hughes Functional Score at nadir, HFS*d Hughes Functional Score at discharge, ICU intensive care unit
  3. †median (IQR)
  4. n (%)