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Table 6 Effects of ethanol and CCR2 antagonist, INCB3344, on BLBP, CCL2, and CCR2 mRNA in NEP+mHYP area

From: CCL2/CCR2 system in neuroepithelial radial glia progenitor cells: involvement in stimulatory, sexually dimorphic effects of maternal ethanol on embryonic development of hypothalamic peptide neurons

mRNA expression



Ethanol + INCB3344

Control + INCB3344


2.3E− 1 ± 9.4E− 3

3.3E− 1 ± 2.2E− 2*

2.5E− 1 ± 1.9E− 2

2.3E− 1 ± 6.4E− 3


1.3E− 3 ± 4.9E− 5

2.0E− 3 ± 1.5E− 4*

1.4E− 3 ± 6.9E− 5

1.2E− 3 ± 5.2E− 5


4.5E− 1 ± 3.4E− 3

6.7E− 3 ± 5.4E− 4*

4.8E− 3 ± 4.1E− 4

4.1E− 3 ± 4.8E− 4

  1. Maternal ethanol administration group (2 g/kg/day, E10–E15) with and without INCB3344 treatment (1 mg/kg/day, i.p.) was compared to Untreated and isocaloric Control groups of embryos at E19. Data are expressed as an averaged ratio (target gene expression/house-keeping gene expression) in each group and presented as mean ± SEM (n = 7/group, *p < 0.05 versus Control, Ethanol + INCB3344, and Control + INCB3344 groups). Difference between groups was analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by SDS post hoc test
  2. BLBP brain lipid-binding protein, NEP neuroepithelium