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Fig. 3 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 3

From: Oligodendrocyte-specific Argonaute profiling identifies microRNAs associated with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

Fig. 3

OPC maturation is controlled by specific EAE-associated miRNAs. a OPCs overexpressing mimics of the 20 EAE-associated miRNAs or a negative control (miR-67 from C. elegans) were differentiated for 3 days and the numbers of MBP+ OLs were assessed by immunofluorescence microscopy (green). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Representative images for the significant miRNAs are shown. Scale bar: 50 μm. b The percentages of MBP+ and MBP- cells for each condition are plotted. Statistical significance was evaluated by Fisher’s exact test on the total number of cells from two independent transfections. *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.001

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