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Table 4 Comparison of gene expression in microglia isolated from the spinal cords of Cx43 icKO and Cx43fl/fl mice between the pre-immunized and peak phases of EAE

From: Brain gray matter astroglia-specific connexin 43 ablation attenuates spinal cord inflammatory demyelination


Pre-immunized vs. Peak

Gene cluster

Cx43 fl/fl

Cx43 icKO


< 0.001 (Peak)

< 0.001 (Peak)


0.0115 (Peak)



< 0.001 (Peak)

< 0.001 (Peak)

  1. The disease phases showing significantly higher levels of the relevant gene expression than their comparators are indicated in parentheses. Peak is dpi 17
  2. Cx connexin, dpi days post-immunization, EAE experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, ES enrichment score, fl flox, icKO inducible conditional knock-out, NS = not significant
  3. *P values of the ES plots are shown.