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Fig. 5 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 5

From: Inflammatory monocytes and microglia play independent roles in inflammatory ictogenesis

Fig. 5

Seizure severity and frequency are highly attenuated in mice inoculated with 16-fold less TMEV. Seizure activity was assessed from 0 to 10 dpi using Racine scoring (A, B). A Racine seizure scoring (max score per daily epoch per mouse) indicates that mice inoculated with 12,500 PFU TMEV experienced only low-level seizure events (Racine 1) while the majority of mice inoculated with 200,000 PFU exhibited Racine scores of 2 or higher between 3 and 8 dpi. B The overall average daily seizure burden per group also indicates attenuation of behavioral seizure events in mice inoculated with 12,500 PFU TMEV. Average burden: F(21,308) = 14.5642, P < 0.0001 by two-way ANOVA on ranks (inoculum x day); Shapiro–Wilk P < 0.0001; Dunnett’s least-squares means differences pairwise at each day: * = P < 0.01; ** = P < 0.001; ds = 0.74. Blue line = 200,000 PFU; red line = 12,500 PFU. C–E Representative EEG traces, power spectra (power from 0 to 500 Hz), and spectrograms (short-time Fourier transform of the input) for a 100 s epoch at baseline (C) and at 3 dpi in an animal inoculated with 200,000 PFU (D) or 12,500 PFU (E). F EEG line lengths (1 s window) were calculated from 1.5 h epochs recorded at 1 day prior to inoculation (baseline) and again at 3 dpi in mice receiving 200,000 PFU or 12,500 PFU. Each symbol represents 1 s of EEG; values greater than 3 SD above the mean are shown in red. Data are from 4 mice in each group. P values were calculated using a nested one-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons corrected using the two-stage linear step-up procedure of Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli to yield the false discovery rate (q-value). G Seizure thresholds (time to status epilepticus (SE) induced by repeated KA injections) were assessed in control mice (black circles) and at 24 hpi in mice inoculated with 200,000 PFU (blue circles) or 12,500 PFU (red circles). Each symbol represents one animal; data are pooled from 4 experiments. Survival curve shows timing of doses and time to SE for each animal. Time to SE was analyzed by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s pairwise comparison; number of KA doses was analyzed by Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA with Dunn’s pairwise comparison

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