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Fig. 2 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 2

From: The short isoform of MS4A7 is a novel player in glioblastoma microenvironment, M2 macrophage polarization, and tumor progression

Fig. 2

Expression of MS4A7 isoforms in GBM tissues and its clinical relevance. A A representation of the MS4A7-l and MS4A7-s isoforms. The alternative exon 3 of MS4A7 is in red. B The three-dimensional structure of MS4A7-l and MS4A7-s protein isoforms predicted by Phyre2 and plotted with PyMOL Molecular Graphics System (version 2.0 Schrodinger, LCC). C RT-PCR analysis of the MS4A7-l and MS4A7-s isoform mRNA levels in GBM tissues and adjacent normal tissues. D A representation of Sanger sequencing verifies the presence of MS4A7-l and MS4A7-s mRNA isoforms. E Western blotting analysis of MS4A7-l (26.14 kDa) and MS4A7-s (21.41 kDa) protein isoforms in GBM tissues. F Violin plot shows the relative mRNA levels of MS4A7-l and MS4A7-s isoform in GBM tissues. G, H Violin plot shows the mRNA levels MS4A7-l and MS4A7-s isoform in GBM tissues (n = 123) and adjacent normal brain tissues (n = 54). I Quantitative histograms shows the PSI of MS4A7 exon 3 of GBM and LGG based on the DoChaP database. J Box plot shows the PSI of MS4A7 exon 3 of GBM tumor tissues and the normal brain tissues based on the DoChaP database. K–M Kaplan–Meier survival curves for our GBM cohort stratified by the expression levels of MS4A7-l, MS4A7-s and MS4A7-s/MS4A7-l ratio based on the RT-PCR analysis. Statistical significances were analyzed by Student’s t test (F–J). ***P < 0.001

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