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Table 4 Summary of the relationship between miRNA, MS severity, brain MRI and other serum biomarkers

From: Early miR-320b and miR-25-3p miRNA levels correlate with multiple sclerosis severity at 10 years: a cohort study

  1. Summary of the statistically significant associations. SPMS: secondary progressive MS; BPF: brain parenchymal fraction. Arrows represent high (↑) or low (↓) miRNA RQ levels: ↑: p < 0.05; ↑↑↑: p < 0.001; ↓: p < 0.05; ↓↓↓: p < 0.001. Red: negative association; green: positive association. –: no association. Neurofilaments, GFAP or chi3l1 were not associated with miRNA