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Fig. 2 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 2

From: Gastrointestinal microbiome of ARDS patients induces neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment in mice

Fig. 2

The gut microbiota transfers from ARDS/CAP patients to recipient mice. a Flow diagram of FMT experiment: After 1 week of acclimation, mice were treated with an antibiotic (Abx) cocktail for 7 days. Then, faecal material from ARDS/CAP patients or normal control (CTRL) subjects was transferred to Abx-treated recipient mice (ARDS-R and CTRL-R) for 4 weeks. b Changes in the relative abundances of the gut microbiota at the phylum level between ARDS-R and CTRL-R mice. c Changes in the ratio of (Bacteroidota + Proteobacteria)/Firmicutes between ARDS-R and CTRL-R mice. d PCoA based on the gut microbiota at the genus level. e Volcano plot analysis identifying key gut microbes that significantly altered between ARDS-R and CTRL-R mice. f Changes in the relative abundances of the key gut microbes between ARDS-R and CTRL-R mice. The statistic difference of various indicators between two groups was evaluated by two-tailed unpaired student’s T test and a statistically significant was defined when p < 0.05. Significant level: *p < 0.05

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