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Fig. 3 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 3

From: Chronic social defeat alters brain vascular-associated cell gene expression patterns leading to vascular dysfunction and immune system activation

Fig. 3

Deeper examination of endothelial and microglia gene expression reveals further cell type heterogeneity. a UMAP subset of 4208 cells depicting endothelial cell clusters. b UMAP subset of 3993 cells depicting microglia cell clusters. c Heatmap of endothelial cell signature gene expression compared to all other endothelial cell clusters. Gene expression patterns were used to identify 7 distinct endothelial cell clusters. d Heatmap of microglia signature gene expression compared to all other microglia clusters. Gene expression patterns were used to identify 5 distinct microglia clusters. For heatmaps, increased expression is colored red and decreased expression is colored blue. CSD  chronic social defeat; HC  home cage; QC  quality control; UMAP uniform manifold approximation and projection; EC  endothelial cell; IEG immediate-early gene; SMC  smooth muscle cell; OPC  oligodendrocyte precursor cell; CapEC  capillary endothelial cell; aEC  arterial endothelial cell; vEC venous endothelial cell; FenEC fenestrated endothelial cell; MG microglia

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