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Fig. 8 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 8

From: SAFit2 ameliorates paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain by reducing spinal gliosis and elevating pro-resolving lipid mediators

Fig. 8

Alteration of oxylipins in DRGs and spinal cord of vehicle and SAFit2-treated paclitaxel mice. A Relative amount of oxylipins was measured in the DRGs and spinal cord of both groups and clustered in their precursor fatty acids. The raw data were normalized to the protein amount of the respective sample. B–I Violin plots display the relative lipid levels of those lipids, which were altered after SAFit2 treatment. The measured lipid levels of paclitaxel-treated animals were normalized to lipid levels of naïve animals. The analysis was conducted with six animals per group. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 student’s t-test with Welch´s correction. J Schematic summary of the effect of SAFit2 on lipid levels. SAFit2 seems to enhance the PLA2 mediated fatty acid release from phospholipids. In particular, we detected an elevation of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid after SAFit2 treatment as well as an increase of their pro-resolving metabolites. Pro-inflammatory oxylipins were marked in red, anti-inflammatory/ pro-resolving in green, the alteration after SAFit2 treatment is indicated by either a blue arrow for an increase or a blue tilde for no changes. Oxylipins indicated with dashed lines were below the detection limit. DRG dorsal root ganglia, SC spinal cord, SAFit2: selective antagonist of FKBP51 by induced fit 2, AA arachidonic acid, LA linoleic acid, α-LA alpha-linoleic acid, DGLA dihomo-γ-linolenic acid, EPA eicosapentaenoic acid, DHA docosahexaenoic acid, PGE2 prostaglandin E2, PGD2 prostaglandin D2, TXB2 thromboxane 2, PGF2α prostaglandin F2 alpha, 6-keto PGF1α 6-keto prostaglandin F1 alpha, HETE hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, DiHETrE dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acid, HHTrE hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid, EpETrE hydroxyepoxyeicosatrienoic acid, HODE hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid, DiHOME dihydroxyoctadecenoic acid, HOTrE hydroxyoctadecatrienoic acid, HETrE hydroxyeicosatrienoic acid. HEPE hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid, HDHA hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid, DiHDPA: dihydroxydocosapentaenoic acid

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