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Fig. 1 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 1

From: Disease-modifying effects of a glial-targeted inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (1400W) in mixed-sex cohorts of a rat soman (GD) model of epilepsy

Fig. 1

A Experimental design, animals grouping based on the initial SE severity (B), and bodyweight comparison post-exposure/treatment (C). There were no significant differences in SE severity between the vehicle and 1400W treated groups in either mixed-sex cohort or males or females (B). There was a significant weight loss in soman-exposed animals, irrespective of sex, during the first 3 days of post-soman exposure (C). 1400W concentrations in the serum, piriform cortex, and hippocampus of adult rats when the drug was administered as a single intramuscular injection at 20 mg/kg (D). (B Mixed-sex) Mann–Whitney test, n = 27–33; (B Males) Mann–Whitney test, n = 12–13; (B Females) Unpaired t-test, n = 12–13. C Repeated measures two-way ANOVA (Šídák’s multiple comparison), n = 24–26 for mixed-sex cohort (12–13/sex). **p < 0.01, ***, xxxp < 0.001 vs control. CS, convulsive seizures; NS, non-significant

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