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Fig. 5 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 5

From: Cytokine enrichment in deep cerebellar nuclei is contributed by multiple glial populations and linked to reduced amyloid plaque pathology

Fig. 5

Co-expressed gene modules in multiple glial cell types linked to cytokine-enriched state. A Heatmap of top enriched biological processes within modules of co-expressed genes in each major type of glia (log10 p-value; p < 0.01). Clusters of related GO terms are labelled, with processes associated with EC-enriched (red) or DCN-enriched (blue) modules further highlighted. Yellow boxes represent non-significant expression. B Dot plot summarising modules of co-expressed genes contributing to transcriptional diversity in each major non-neuronal cell type. Dot size indicates number of DEGs in each module and dot colour indicates average LFC for three DE tests: WT.EC vs. DCN, EC.APP vs. WT, DCN.APP vs. WT. Boxes indicate DCN-enriched (blue) or EC-enriched (red) modules. C Astrocyte subcluster UMAP indicating cells from each condition. D Astrocyte subcluster UMAP showing expression of module Ast.1 as a percentage of maximum expression. E Dot plot showing expression of top DEGs associated with innate immune responses, cytokine production and NFKB signalling in Ast.1 across conditions. Dot size indicates percentage of cells in each condition expressing each gene and dot colour indicates mean log2 expression. F UMAPs showing expression of IFN response genes in astrocyte subpopulations as a percentage of maximum expression

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