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Fig. 3 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 3

From: Commonly disrupted pathways in brain and kidney in a pig model of systemic endotoxemia

Fig. 3

Significant differences in LPS response in the brain between pigs and mice. a Upset plot comparing differentially expressed genes (adjusted p < 0.05) in pig brain (this paper) and previously published similar mouse brain study from Kang et al. 2018 (adjusted p < 0.05 & absolute log2FC > 0.5) [17]. Rows correspond to the gene sets up or downregulated in each species. Columns indicate the intersection between those gene sets. Nineteen down and 78 upregulated genes are shared between pigs and mice. b Scatter plot of significantly (adjusted p < 0.05) differentially expressed genes common between pig and mouse. The log2(FC) of LPS vs. control saline genes in pig (y-axis) versus log2(FC) of LPS vs. control in mouse (x-axis) reveals species-specific alterations. The teal box indicates negative log2(FC), and the red box indicates a positive log2(FC) in both species. c Gene set enrichment analysis of genes commonly up and downregulated in pigs and mice. d Gene set enrichment analysis of genes oppositely regulated between pigs and mice. e Scatter plot of all differentially expressed genes (adjusted p < 1) between pig and mouse, regardless of fold change direction or significance value

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