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Fig. 5 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 5

From: Commonly disrupted pathways in brain and kidney in a pig model of systemic endotoxemia

Fig. 5

Robust transcriptional alterations and pathways are similar between the kidney and brain following LPS challenge. a Upset plot of commonly up and downregulated genes between the kidney and brain, with more DEG’s in the kidney than in the brain, and a few oppositely regulated genes. b Scatter plot of log2(FC) of LPS vs. control saline genes in the kidney (y-axis) versus log2(FC) of LPS vs. control in the brain (x-axis) shows that most of the DEG’s in the brain and kidney are in the same direction. c Protein–protein interaction networks demonstrates that these commonly dysregulated genes between brain and kidney likely interact functionally. dg Scatter plot of log2(FC) of LPS vs. control saline genes in the kidney (y-axis) versus log2(FC) of LPS vs. control in the brain (x-axis) of genes enriched in upregulated GO pathways shows the kidney has the greatest transcriptional response compared to the brain for most genes. hk Scatter plot of genes enriched in downregulated GO pathways again shows the kidney has the greatest transcriptional response compared to the brain for most genes

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