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Table 6 The impact of mitochondrial and metabolic malfunctioning pathways on the activities of DCs

From: Mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction of peripheral immune cells in multiple sclerosis

Mechanism of mitochondrial and metabolic dysfunction

DC functions


Sirt6 inhibition potentially mediates metabolic pathways

Reduce migration and activation of DCs

[152, 153]

Knock-out NOX2 in DCs can inhibit T cell-mediated autoimmune neuroinflammation through LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP)

Inhibit myelin peptide presentation of DCs


Increased HIF-1α-NDUFA4L2 signaling inhibits X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) and leads to downregulating OCR and ROS

Promote pro-inflammatory activities and activation of DCs


Tgfbr2 insufficiency in moDCs upregulates ROS production via NOX2

Secret more IL-12 in moDCs which induces Th1 polarization and chronic inflammatory demyelination


DMF partly though GSH-HO-1 pathway regulating oxidative stress

Decrease maturation and antigen‐presenting capacity of pro-inflammatory DCs

[157, 160, 161]