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Fig. 7 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 7

From: Preclinical translational platform of neuroinflammatory disease biology relevant to neurodegenerative disease

Fig. 7

TGF-β2 mitigates neuroinflammatory disease biology in slice cultures. RNA-seq analysis of bulk tissue derived from organotypic brain slice cultures treated with TGF-β2. A Comparison of transcriptomes from slices treated with TGF-β2 vs. naïve slices, shown as log2 fold change. Highlighted are regions where TGF-β2 increased genes that are decreased in naïve slices (red), and where TGF-β2 decreased genes that are increased in naïve slices (blue). B Heat maps depicting hierarchically clustered differential gene expression of ‘red’ (left) and ‘blue’ (right) genes. This visualization highlights the robust reversals induced by TGF-β2. C Gene set enrichment analysis identified Kegg pathways that were significantly enriched in ‘red’ and ‘blue’ gene groups. D TGF-β2 robustly reversed gene expression related to disease-associated microglia, astrocyte activation, complement and inflammasome pathways, and neurotransmitter receptors. Scales for each heat map shown underneath and indicate Z-scores derived from Log2[Fold Change]

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