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Fig. 4 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 4

From: Cryopreservation of cerebrospinal fluid cells preserves the transcriptional landscape for single-cell analysis

Fig. 4

Differential gene expression analysis of sexually dimorphic genes from fresh and cryopreserved CSF samples. A Volcano plot showing the significant (p-adjusted < 0.05, Log2FC > 0.58) differentially expressed genes between males and females in CSF A, B, and C CD4 + T-cells combining all fresh and frozen samples. Genes upregulated in males are colored red, and downregulated in males are colored blue. Grey dots indicate the non-significant genes. B Heatmap showing the average log2fold changes of the sexually dimorphic genes XIST, KDM4D, UTY, DDX3Y, and USP9Y from differential gene expression analysis of CD4 + T-cells in CSF A, B and C for All samples (FRE, FBS and REC combined), and stratified by FRE, FBS, and REC

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