Aims and scope
Aims and scope
Journal of Neuroinflammation is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on interactions of the immune system (and especially the innate immune system) with the nervous system. This includes the roles of CNS immune mediators (such as microglia and astrocytes, and their expressed cytokines and chemokines) as well as the roles of peripheral neuro-immune interactions, T cells, monocytes, complement proteins, acute phase proteins, oxidative injury and related molecular processes.
Neuroinflammation is a rapidly expanding field that has revolutionized our understanding of chronic neurological diseases. This field has grown to encompass researchers with backgrounds in many diverse fields, including pathology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, clinical medicine, and epidemiology. Important contributions to this field have come from work with populations, patients, postmortem tissues, animal models, and in vitro systems.
Journal of Neuroinflammation brings together work focusing on common pathogenic processes, and provides a forum for integrative reviews and commentaries on this field.